Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In a Karma Coma

May I have a word about honesty?
May I please touch apon the fragility of human relations, and how easily they get demolished with a single lick of dishonesty?
I feel as if this topic is going to be an obsession of mine for as long as I live, but I know that I will always stand behind being open with one another.
Love is simply this; being pure and connected. Any kind of relationship deserves a clean consciousness, or else it is one that is filled with dirty dirty lies, is it not?

As we move on, our hearts seem to get colder, more still, more lonely. What else is there to do when dark secrets are a reality of every human being? I want to be able to feel as if I some how will be able to trust everybody I will ever get close with, but I know this will never be true. And that reality is sad, it is sad that we have created this reality.

We lie to our children, our friends, our lovers, our teachers, our parents, our neighbors. That means that human connections have been made so incredibly primitive, and dishonesty has been desensitized.

SIN SIN SIN! The world is full of sin.

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